Scherer Electric Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Electrical Panels’

The Story of Federal Pacific Electrical Panel and Why You Want Yours Replaced

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s critical for the safety of your home—Federal Pacific Electrical panels (FPE). While you may not spend much time thinking about your electrical panel, it plays a crucial role in your home’s electrical system. Unfortunately, if your home was built between the 1950s and 1980s, there’s a chance it might be equipped with a Federal Pacific Electrical panel, which poses serious safety risks. Let’s explore the story of these panels and why you should consider an electrical panel upgrade in Buffalo, NY if you have one.

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Is It Worthwhile to Repair an Old Electrical Panel?

Monday, March 11th, 2024

In the realm of home maintenance, few aspects are as critical as electrical safety. As homeowners, it is our responsibility to ensure that our electrical systems are not only functional but also safe for our families. Today, we delve into the often-overlooked question: Is it worthwhile to repair an old electrical panel? 

However, before we explore this, it’s crucial to underscore the significance of never attempting DIY repairs on electrical panels and the necessity of seeking professional help. Our licensed electricians are skilled with both electrical panel replacement and electrical panel repair in Buffalo, NY and the surrounding areas.

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The Importance of Grounding in Electrical Panels

Monday, January 15th, 2024

In today’s world, electricity powers almost every aspect of our lives. From our homes to our businesses, we rely on electrical systems to keep our daily activities running smoothly. However, with this reliance comes the need for safety measures to protect both our electrical systems and the devices connected to them. Two essential components of electrical safety are proper grounding in electrical panels and the installation of whole-house surge protection.

Below, we’ll explore the importance of these measures and why they are crucial for safeguarding your property and appliances. We offer the service for electrical panels in Buffalo, NY you need to insure the best from your electrical system.

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Adding Surge Protection to Your Electrical Panel

Monday, December 18th, 2023

In our ever-connected world, the reliance on electronic devices is more significant than ever. From smart appliances to sensitive electronics, our homes are filled with devices that can be vulnerable to power surges. While plug-in surge protectors are a common solution, there’s a superior option that provides comprehensive defense: whole-house surge protection. This protection goes past electronic devices—it also protects your entire electrical system from an expensive disaster.

You’ll need experts who understand electrical panel service in Amherst, NY to install this type of surge protection, and we’re the people to turn to. We can answer any questions you may have. Below we’ll get into the basics.

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How Long Can You Expect Your Electrical Panel Last?

Monday, November 20th, 2023

Electrical panels are the unsung heroes of our homes, quietly distributing power to keep our appliances running smoothly. Yet, like any hardworking system, they have a finite lifespan. In this post, we’ll delve into the longevity of electrical panels, the urgency of replacing outdated fuse boxes, and a special note on the potential hazards of Federal Pacific electrical panels. You can trust our licensed electricians for any electrical panel replacement in Buffalo, NY.

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Understanding Circuit Breakers: A Guide for Homeowners

Monday, September 25th, 2023

We often talk about circuit breakers and electrical panels on our blog because they’re essential parts of household electrical systems. In fact, one of our most important electrical services in Depew, NY and the rest of our service area is helping clients upgrade out-of-date circuit breaker panels. 

In this post, we’re going to take the educational approach and provide a short guide to understanding circuit breakers, how they function, the different types, and why they’re essential for home safety.

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5 Signs of Electrical Wiring Problems You Shouldn’t Ignore

Monday, September 11th, 2023

Small electrical problems may seem like nuisances, but they often point toward much larger issues with a home’s wiring. Damaged or aging wires can lead to major emergencies like fires if they aren’t addressed. If you have wiring trouble in your house, it’s critical to have the problem addressed right away—and not as a DIY project! You’ll need professional electricians to come to your house to examine the wiring, identify the problem, and have it safely repaired.

If you notice any of the warning signs of wire trouble below, call our licensed electricians for electrical repair in Orchard Park, NY that will ensure your house stays safe and stays powered.

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A Short Rundown on Your Electrical Panel

Monday, August 28th, 2023

Among the many services we offer to our customers in Western New York, one of the most common is repairing or replacing residential electrical panels. The electrical panel is a critical component of any home’s electrical system, but homeowners often take it for granted—at least until something goes wrong, which could be as simple as a tripped circuit breaker or as dangerous as an electrical fire.

In this post, we’re going to provide you with some important information about your electrical panel and why it’s important to always rely on professional electricians in Orchard Park, NY when you need service for yours.

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What Does It Mean to “Ground” Your Home?

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

No, you’re not telling your home that it can’t leave the house for the next two weeks … which is both redundant and ridiculous. Obviously, “grounding” a house means something else. If you’ve heard that it’s important to have home grounding, you might have wondered 1) what exactly that means, and 2) if your home is already grounded or not.

We offer home grounding services and many other residential electrical services in Orchard Park, NY and throughout Western New York. 

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It’s Time for an Electrical Panel Upgrade—Here’s Why

Monday, June 19th, 2023

The electrical panel for your home is the central hub for all the electrical current entering your home from the grid. It divides the current into circuits and distributes it to the rest of your house. 

And we’ve got news for you: the panel in your home may need to retire and get an upgrade!

We replace electrical panels in Orchard Park, NY and elsewhere in Western New York. Below are several of the situations where it’s definitely time to have a panel upgrade. We’ll help you get the ideal new panel to serve your home.

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